First of all , I apologize for taking so long to write this. I experienced certain “ technical malfunctions “ that caused the loss of many hours of writing work. From now on , I will use Word to write my text…..
Anyway , in this second part of the Tyranid tactica , I will attempt to give an analysis of the –not so many – ways that the tyranid units can be used to make a competitive list. I wanted to give a detailed analysis of each and every unit in our codex , but this is a task that has already been achieved with great success by many people before me. So , I will just recommend everyone to take a look at Loate’s Unit Tactica which helped me a lot when I started playing tyranids. So , if you haven’t read it yet , I would advice you to take a look before continuing with this article.
First of all , I need to point out the fact that the Tyranid codex can’t really produce many competitive lists. Most of the units are useless or overpriced and yet, other units seem to be a bit “ broken “ for the gaming standards. In fact , when I go to tournaments , I rarely encounter other tyranid generals , but when I do , most of them ( if not all ) use a list that is inspired by the list deployed by the player of Team Poland during the tournament of ETC 2011. The use of this list is pretty straightforward , and utilizes the Genestealer spam , with the FNP buff to overwhelm your enemy with some good quality close combat goodness. A very good list with great potential and one that certainly contains the best elements of the tyranid codex.
However, I have to admit that my experience with this list is quite limited and thus , I am not the most suitable person to write a tactica about that. In this article , I intend to focus on the tactics that I use and my personal philosophy around it , if you will.
The “Cell Structure “ List
It is said by many people that the tyranid codex makes a “Synergic “ army. Such a force includes units that can’t perform well on their own, but they rely on the mutual support of your other units to achieve their maximum efficiency.
The tyranid army is composed by 3 distinct classes of units:
- -The small size class , which includes all the little critters such as hormagants and termagants
- -The middle size class which includes units such as warriors and hive guards
- The monstrous size class which of course is composed by the big beasts: Tyrants ,Trygons and the like.
A tyranid general tactics should include all 3 types of models , in a way that each one supports the other. Furthermore , each unit has its own , specific characteristics and excels at a specific role. The swarm is performing well when it is used as a single “ organism “ , that uses its physical bulk and force of numbers to overwhelm it’s enemy.
Thus , the Cell Structure idea , as I like to call it , describes an army that functions like a a living cell.
Each cell contains a number of tiny organs that all contribute to its survival and defensive properties. A cell is also protected by a membrane , that prevents all hostile factors from causing any harm to it’s more vulnerable content.
This is how I thought that a tyranid army should work. Thus , my list is based on this specific picture and tries to fuction much like a white cell that exercises “ phagocytosis “ to consume germs and debris alike.
In my list , the role of the “ membrane “ is performed by Gargoyles. I use two units of gargoyles to provide cover for the rest of my swarm. Since gargoyles are pretty cheap , they become a rather charming meatshield. I also equip them with Adrenal Glands and Toxin Sacs and for a rather small point investment , I allow them to have satisfying lethality.
From this point , I fill the “ balloon “ created by the gargoyle curtain , with units that play the role of the cell “ organisms”.
- Hive Guards and Zoanthropes for anti-tank.
- Tervigons for their FNP buff and a steady production of termagants
- Flyrant for offensive support and Pref. Enemy buff.
- Raveners for an extra forward push
I also use genestealers , but their function is never specific , but is rather based on the way the enemy deploys , the needs of the mission and the terrain arrangement.
Furthermore , I always make sure that every wave of my units moved at - about- the same speed. For example , the tyrant follows the gargoyles for a fast moving offensive wave , while the raveners are held back to take care of anything that resists the assault.
The hive guards are the major anti-vehicle power here , while the zoanthropes primary role is to destroy Land Raiders and other high- AV vehicles.
Tervigons are used in a much more defensive manner . In the beginning of every game , their sole role is bestowing FNP to certain units. At this point , I prefer not to risk spawning termagants. This is a strategy kept for late game, when the swarm numbers are thinned down , and a fresh wave of termagants , with the Tervigon buffs will achieve to overtake any pockets of resistance that the opponent may still have.
And that is , more or less, how I use Tyranids. I hope that my guide was comprehensive and helpful. Please feel free to comment and offer your criticism in the comments below. May the Hive mind watches over us all.
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